• On the International Day of Family Remittances, the head of SICT, Jorge Nuño, affirms that with digital inclusion and terrestrial connectivity, migrants and their families work
  • It is estimated that remittances from the United States benefit close to 10 million families
  • They make Mexico the second country with the highest reception, after India
  • To date, more than 7,000 cards have been delivered in Mexico and more than 17,000 in the United States, where demand is growing day by day: Rocío Mejía

Within the framework of the International Day of Family Remittances, which is celebrated every June 16, Financiera para el Bienestar, formerly Telecomm, held an event at the Museo del Telégrafo to make visible and recognize the economic contribution that millions of migrants make to Mexico and its families.

The Secretary of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation, Jorge Nuño Lara, affirmed that modernity can be forged from below and without excluding anyone, since development does not have to be contrary to social justice.

He explained that, to achieve this, Finabien works based on three objectives: potentiate international remittances, provide loans and promote savings through direct Cetes, in accordance with the National Development Plan 2019-2024.

He also pointed out that, with digital inclusion and terrestrial connectivity, SICT and Finabien synergize in favor of migrants and their families living in Mexico so that they can access better economic conditions and well-being.


This is achieved by facilitating access to financial, health and education services for those living in remote areas, through smart villages and land roads, which translates into more opportunities for development and well-being.

He added that, by expanding the coverage of telecommunications services and the branch network, Finabien contributes to financial and digital inclusion in popular urban areas, remote and difficult to access, making Internet service available in 324 of its branches throughout the national territory, thanks to the agreement established with CFE Telecommunications and Internet for All.

The general director of Finabien, Rocío Mejía Flores, stressed that remittances from the United States are vital to the economy and the well-being of millions of families in Mexico. Therefore, financial inclusion and digital alternatives to send and receive remittances were a pending issue.

He explained that it is estimated that remittances from the United States benefit close to 10 million families and make Mexico the second country in the world with the highest reception, after India, and highlighted that remittances are used to invest in small businesses. that promote economic activity in the communities and generate jobs.


He mentioned that, currently, in Finabien there are two alternatives for receiving remittances: the traditional one, in which compatriots go to any Latino or remittance store and request that their money reach their family member at one of the branches; and the second, that, responding to the call of the United Nations and the Government of Mexico to reduce the financial and digital gaps of the users of remittances, generated a powerful tool to lower the cost and provide better shipping conditions with a better type of change and greater security: the Finabien card, which serves as an electronic wallet in the United States and Mexico.

He pointed out that the Finabien card in Mexico is requested at any of the 1,700 branches; in the United States, directly at the 50 consulates of the Government of Mexico, and they can also be requested through the organization’s website, finabien.gob.mx and receive it at home.

This option was raised for all people who work in the American Union and cannot go personally to the consular network. He highlighted that to date 7,471 cards have been delivered in Mexico and 17,715 in the United States, where demand is growing day by day.

Mejía Flores added that only last year two thousand 300 million dollars were received through Finabien branches, close to four percent of the total remittance market that amounted to 58 thousand 800 million dollars, and the reception from January to June of this year is 889 million dollars, in the same way.


The president of the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef), Óscar Rosado Jiménez, recognized Financiera para el Bienestar for its long tradition in sending and receiving money, and mentioned that the technological tool that has launched empowers the migrant who sends money, whether a woman or a man, and the family nucleus.

The head of the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IME), Luis Gutiérrez Reyes, mentioned that, derived from the collaboration agreement that the IME and Finabien signed last year, the promotion and dissemination of Finabien cards has been carried out, which allow connecting both countries through digital banking. He added that, with the support of the consular network, particularly through the Financial Advisory Windows, support is provided to compatriots to obtain the card for free.

Meanwhile, the president of the National Institute for Women (Inmujeres), Nadine Gasman Zylbermann, said that international remittances sent by migrants are an important aid to their families, especially those who live in rural and indigenous areas.

She added that the remittances sent by women are part of the engine of the national, local and family economies, but there are still pending, for example, “how to make them faster, safer and have a greater impact, both for the women who stay those who leave and the foreigners who arrive”.


The representative of the Aztlán Binational Migrant Organization, María García Hernández, thanked the work carried out by the Government of Mexico and Finabien for taking migrants into account in the financial inclusion project, since they are the ones who are the essence of all this job.

Financiera para el Bienestar
Portal electrónico: financieraparaelbienestar.gob.mx
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